Procedure for Registration of Tourism Unit
- Receiving of Application alongwith required documents and requisite fee.
- Scrutiny of documents by the office
- Objections if any to be communicated to the applicant.
- Inspection to be carried out
- If recommended then RC issued.
Procedure for Registration of Travel Agency
- Receiving of Application alongwith required documents and requisite fee.
- Scrutiny of documents by the office
- Objections if any to be communicated to the applicant.
- Inspection to be carried out
- If recommended then RC issued.

Procedure for Registration of Tourist Guide and Photographer
- Receiving of Application alongwith required documents and requisite fee.
- Scrutiny of documents by the office
- Objections if any to be communicated to the applicant.
- If all documents found in order then necessary license/card issued.
Procedure for Provisional Registration
- Receiving of Application alongwith required documents.
- Scrutiny of documents by the office
- Objections if any to be communicated to the applicant.
- Inspection to be carried out
- If recommended then approval issued.
Procedure for Essentiality Certificate
- Receiving of Application alongwith Preliminary Project Report
- Objections, if any, to be communicated to the applicant.
- Inspection to be carried out
- If recommended then sent to Directorate for issuance of EC.
Checklist for Registration of Tourism Units
Documents required for the Registration of Tourism Unit
- Application on the prescribed proforma.
- Affidavit under section 29 of the H.P.Tourism Development & Registration Act, 2002.
- Title papers of the land i.e. Tatima & Jamabandhi of land.
- Blue prints of the building approved from Assistant Engineer HPPWD for rural areas, NOC/Clearance from Town & Country Planning Department and M.C. Department, if falls in their extended jurisdiction or certificate of the Patwari & Panchayat Pradhan that the area does not fall with in the jurisdiction of TCP/MC as the case may be.
- Completion report from the M.C. & TCP, if the area falls under their jurisdiction, if, the area is outside the MC/TCP limits then the completion report will be given by the A.E.HPPWD.
- Registration fees Rs. 1000/- only upto 10 rooms. 11-30 Rs. 2500/- upto 30 Rs. 5000/- (At the time of Renewal 50% of registration fees.)
- Inspection report of the unit regarding room size and facilities provided.
- Consent to establish/operate from Pollution Control Board.
Sizes of Rooms 10X10=100 sqft. SBR, 10X12= 120 Sqft DBR, 6X5 =30 sqft.
Bath Toilet Parking/Kitchen/Dining/Rain water harvesting system/Solar System in the drawing
Documents required for the Registration of Restaurant.
- Application on the prescribed proforma.
- Affidavit under section 29 of the H.P.Tourism Development & Registration Act, 2002.
- Title papers of the land i.e. Tatima & Jamabandi of land.
- Blue prints of the building approved from Assistant Engineer HPPWD for rural areas, NOC/Clearance from Town & Country Planning Department and M.C. Department, if falls in their extended jurisdiction or certificate of the Patwari & Panchayat Pradhan that the area does not fall with in the jurisdiction of TCP/MC as the case may be.
- Completion report from the M.C. & TCP, if the area falls under their jurisdiction, if, the area is out side the MC/TCP limits then the completion report will be given by the A.E.HPPWD.
- Registration fees Rs. 1000/- only.
Documents required for the Registration of Travel Agency
- Application on the prescribed proforma.
- Affidavit under section 29 of the H.P.Tourism Development & Registration Act,2002.
- Title papers of the land i,e Tatima & Jamabandi of land or rent deed.
- Registration fees Rs. 1000/- only.
- Inspection report of the travel agency.
(For Company:
1. Memorandum of Association
2. Certificate of Incorporation / Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Central Registration Centre)
Documents required for the Registration of Guide
- Application on the prescribed proforma.
- Affidavit under section 29 of the H.P. Tourism Development & Registration Act, 2002.
- Police verification.
- Registration fees Rs. 500/- only.
- Two latest photographs.
Documents required for the Registration of Photographer
- Application on the prescribed proforma.
- Affidavit under section 29 of the H.P. Tourism Development & Registration Act, 2002.
- Police verification.
- Registration fees Rs. 500/- only.
- Two latest photographs.
Documents required for the approval of Project/Provisional Registration
- Title papers of the land i.e. Tatima & Jamabandi of land.
- Feasibility Report from the registered Consultant/Architect.
- Blue prints & estimated cost (civil work) of the building approved from Assistant Engineer HPPWD for rural areas, NOC/Clearance from Town & Country Planning Department and M.C. Department, if falls in their extended jurisdiction or certificate of the Patwari & Panchayat Pradhan that the area does not fall with in the jurisdiction of TCP/MC as the case may be.
- Affidavit to run the said hotel at least for 10 years, 70% employment to Himachali and not avail any type of subsidy.
- Site inspection report from the District Tourism Development Officer/ SDO (Civil) of the concerned area.
- Provide the visual images of proposed structures and landscaping so as to show the Himachali Architecture elements are used.
Sizes of Rooms: 10X10=100 sqft. SBR, 10X12= 120 Sqft DBR, 6X5 =30 sqft. Bath Toilet
Parking/Kitchen/Dining/Rain water harvesting system/Solar System in the drawing, Garbage Disposal for Panchayat Area.
Documents required for the Home Stay Units
- Application form
- Revenue papers (Jamabandi & Tatima)
- NOC from Co-sharer, if any
- Photographs of the building and rooms with attached toilet
- Undertaking.
Checklist for issuance of Essentiality Certificate
- Application for Essentiality Certificate (EC).
- Preliminary Project Report (PPR).